Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6, 2016

The third grade musical was a huge success. Everyone did wonderfully and I am so impressed by all of the singing, dancing and speaking. Great job third graders!

The holidays are upon us and we will be doing some fun holiday learning activities in the classroom. These activities will be based around learning the holiday traditions of different cultures. The students are beginning a research project that they will work on and complete in school. Each student chose a different culture to research and will use a variety of research tools such as QR codes to conduct their research. They have specific research questions that they will use to help guide their research. At the end of their research they will each have a flip book that will be shared with the class in small groups so that everyone can learn about these interesting traditions. 

We will also be sharing a variety of holiday books that will talk about holiday traditions that are not part of our research project. The students will be comparing and contrasting the traditions of different cultures. One book we will be reading is How Santa Got His Job, in this book Santa shares his many skills and qualities that make him perfect for the job of Santa. Using this book as our foundation the students will then be constructing a persuasive letter to Santa outlining the qualities and skills that make them the perfect elf for the job in different departments in Santa's Workshop. 

We will also be working on a parachute STEM project. The students will be responsible for working in a group to develop a parachute for Santa that will give him a soft landing and lands upright. The students will be given a certain amount of money they can use to buy their supplies. It may take several attempts but I know that each design will get better and they will successfully work together to develop Santa's parachute.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season celebrating with family and friends. 

December 9-Pajama Day at Chippewa School
December 16-Holiday Party
December 17-January 2-Holiday Break

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