Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015

This week we have been doing a class wide project to reinforce the concepts we have been learning about in Social Studies. These include social and political responsibility, being informed about issues and the need to vote. The students filled their reward ticket jar and we used this topic as the basis for the students' project. First we made a list of the possible options for a class reward and then students were placed in groups of 4. Each group chose a reward option and using that option they had to inform the class of their opinion by stating it in a topic sentence and including 3 reasons with examples. The students then worked on a Google slideshow to present to the class, each person in the group was responsible for a slide in the slideshow.  Then the students made campaign posters for their chosen class reward that were hung around the classroom.  The students then had to present their slideshows to the class as a group.  Everyone made a voter registration card that they had to present when they went to the voting booth to fill out their ballot. When all of the ballots were counting Device, Movie, Pajama Day was the winner.

Reward day of Device, Movie, Pajama Day will be on Monday, November 23rd. Each student brought home an explanation of the guidelines regarding devices in their Friday folder. At the bottom of this sheet is a permission slip that needs to be signed by a parent giving their child permission to bring and use their device at school. If a student brings their device but does not have a signed permission slip they will not be able to use their device at school. The student will also need to sign the bottom of the sheet agreeing to use their device with good digital citizenship.

Also included in Friday folders was a permission slip for the students to attend a rehearsal for the music concert at the high school. This rehearsal will be on December 2nd, 9:35-11:00.  The students will be having additional group practices at school in the days leading up to the performance. The third grade music concert will be on December 3rd at 7:00 at BBHHS.

Third graders will be participating in the AIR Assessment for English Language Arts on December 8 and 9th. The students have begun practicing basic computer skills they will need to participate in the testing. The Chippewa Portal Page has a link to practice tests that you are able to access at home if you would like to get an idea of what the testing format looks like. You can access this by going to the Chippewa Portal Page, at the top click the link for Media center, underneath the References K-3 section click on AIR practice test.

Please remember we have two days of school this week. Thanksgiving break if November 25-November 29. Students return to school on November 30. I hope that everyone enjoys a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends.

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